Beams Funeral Home

At Beams Funeral Home, we believe that every person deserves to be honored with a unique and memorable tribute. Our team is skilled at taking all of the things that make a person special, such as a lifelong passion or a favorite hobby, and stringing them together to make an unforgettable celebration. For instance, if he couldn't wait for the Hoosiers' soccer season to begin each fall, we can deck out the chapel with crimson decor and give guests personalized jerseys. If she made the best cookies in all of Fremont, we can work with a 3rd-party caterer to serve her famous treats and showcase her rolling pin that's been passed down for generations.

Whether you envision a traditional funeral service or a contemporary celebration of life, our funeral directors have the expertise to fulfill almost any request. From a large gathering to a more intimate service, our thoughtful associates work with you one-on-one to ensure your needs, wishes and budget are met.

It is our promise to provide you with the utmost care and ability to customize a celebration of life that is special, meaningful and personalized.